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Ian Barnes named MGA Player of the Year


Ian Barnes was recently named Missouri Golf Association’s Junior Player of the Year. He has competed in many MGA Championships and Junior Events over the years, but he achieved the honor of finishing first in points based on the events he participated in this year. Last year, he came in second.

“I was surprised to learn I came in first,” said Barnes. “I didn’t think I played as well as last year, but the point system is how the winner is determined.”

To earn those points that declared him a winner, Barnes competed in five Hieronymus Junior Series Tour events, where he finished first at Oak Hills Golf Course and Kirksville Country Club, second at AL Gustin Golf Course and Redfield Golf Course and fourth in the Tour Championship at Meadow Lake Acres Country Club.

Barnes finished the year by making it to the round of 16 in the Junior Match Play at Columbia Country Club and finished tied for 25th in the Junior Amateur at Paradise Pointe Golf Course, in Smithville, 75/74 (5 over par).

Ian also qualified and was invited to play in the third annual Southern States Junior Cup Matches. The matches are played at the end of each season against the best junior players in Arkansas, Mississippi and Oklahoma. This was Ian’s third and last time to compete in these matches.

Barnes feels that the best tournament the MGA Junior program could ever be part of is the Southern States Junior Cup. He said his ultimate goal since it began three years ago was to make the Missouri Cup team. He did, all three years.

“I was blessed to be part of the team all three years. I would encourage every junior golfer in Missouri to make this a summer goal because it’s a great tournament and an excellent experience. I consider myself blessed to have played with excellent players like Ashley, Taylor, Jenna, Nichole, Mikala, Brooke, Matt, Jack, Brett, Mark, Frankie, Tanner, the Woods brothers, Taylor and Bailey, and in my first year Mitch and Joey. Hopefully next year, the Missouri team can finally take the cup away from Oklahoma.”

Barnes started playing golf when he was only 5 or 6 years old. His father and grandfather got him started in the game. He played in his first tournament at the age of 11.

“There’s a big difference in tournament play and just playing for fun,” said Barnes.

As for the future, Barnes, a Licking High School senior, plans on going to college and playing golf. He has high hopes, but says he will just have to see where it leads.

When asked what he would say to another young golfer, Ian replied, “Practice hard. Don’t get discouraged. It takes a lot of time. No one gets good all at once.”

He continued, “Golf is a really fun game, but it is a challenging game. You have to think. And you’ve got to love being outside. Even when I play by myself, I have a goal.”

Barnes says his biggest obstacle is mental. “I have to get out of my own way. I can get blocked by my thoughts.” Barnes has achieved a great accomplishment for his young age. With his focus, discipline and work ethic, many more great accomplishments await this young man. We congratulate him on attaining this honor and wish him well for his future.

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Jarad Rinne--Athletic Director

Lee Williams--Athletic Secretary

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